Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Our ward trunk or treat

Look at our cute little quarterback on his first horse ride!!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Yay for Pumpkins!!

Mama Lunt brought us some pumpkins last week and we finally got around to carving them. It was alot of fun!! This was Kyson's first time carving pumpkins. I love these boys so much. They mean the world to me. I don't know what I would do without them.
Kyson is so funny. He is such a boy, but when it comes to getting his hands dirty he can be a bit of a girl!! We had to make him stick his hands down in there and when he pulled them out he had a fit cause they were all dirty. Needless to say we didn't get much of his help cleaning the pumpkins out. :)

To my Nanny Fanny

I love you and miss you so very much!!! You have meant so much to me. I only wish I could of had more time to show you just how much of a blessing you have been to me in my life. I wouldn't be half the person I am today without your influence and guidance in my life. You have been such an amazing grandma and mom to me. You have always believed in me and knew the person that I had inside of me. I can not thank you enough for everything that you have done and sacrificed for me. I know that everyone would agree with me when I say you have made the world a better place. You were the sweetest person I have known, and loved everyone in your path so dearly.
I know you are in so much of a better place with out any of the worries and pains of life. It is just so hard to see you gone. I love you so much and will always have you in my heart. XOXO

Nanny and Kyson

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Watching foot ball with daddy!!!!

He is sooo cute, love that boy to death!!!

Kyson on the potty!!

Kyson has shown a ton of interest in the potty. So we decided to get him one and let him get used to it, but we are not going all gung ho on the potty training yet. Although it would be super nice to have him out of diapers before our other lil guy gets here. :)

Belly shot!!!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Our trip to snowflake

We were on our way to snowflake, and Kyson was bored as ever in the back seat being funny as can be. He has such a cute personality. I was able to catch this in a photo. He was grabbing his feet and giving them a big O'l kiss. It was hilarious!!

Isn't he a little stud!!!

Our little boy is growing up!! He is 19 months old now and talking like crazy. He can say I love you, mommy, daddy, no, yes, oh cute, oh cool, I'n sorry, eat, I'n hungry, waffle, juice, bottle, nite nite, football, ba ball, teeth, bath, nana, truck, car, and play. Every day he is learning a new word or two. His absalute favorite thing to do his play with his foot ball and basket ball. HE is such a sweet lovable little boy who is always giving loves and kisses. I just cant stand stinkin cute he is. we love him so much. It is fun to watch him learn and grow each day.

Friday, August 28, 2009

5 month check up

Here I am at our five month check up. Everything seems to be going great!! Our little guy is getting huge. He has grown 5 ounces since our last ultrasound, which was about two weeks ago. I just couldn't get over how much bigger he has got in just two weeks!! It is crazy!

We were informed that I have placenta previa. Which is a complication of pregnancy in which the placenta grows in the lowest part of the womb and covers all or part of the opening to the cervix. She said its not to big of a deal yet, but if it doesn't move up the uterus wall it can cause Major bleeding (hemorrhage) at birth so we would have to have a c-section delivery. GOOD news is that we have plenty of time, and a 95% chance it will work itself out! We will find out in two months how all of that is doing, so we will keep you up dated.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

We are having a boy!!!

Here are a few pictures of our little guy. He has the hugest little feet, they are so cute. We also got to see a close up profile picture and I swear he has his daddies nose. It was awesome to get to watch him on that little screen moving around. All of a sudden it became really real that we actually have a little baby in there. We can not wait, and are so excited for our new little addition to our family.

Playing ball with his daddy

Look at our cute little man out there playing ball with the big boys. He loves the days he gets to go play ball with his daddy. If he isn't out there playing he is on the sidelines watching JC and cheering him on!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Chinese Gender chart!!!

Well guys this thing says we are having a girl!!!
Mother's Chinese Age At Time Of Conception
Month of Conception 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
January G B G B G B B G B G B G B B B G B B G B G B G B G B B G
February B G B G B B G B G B G B G G G B G B B G B G B G B G B B
March G B G G B G B B B G B G G B B B B G B B G B G B G B G B
April B G B G G B B G G B G G G G G B G B G B B B B G B G B G
May B G B G B B G G G G G B G G G G G G B G B B G B G B B G
June B B B G G G B B B G G B G G G G G G G B G G B G B G B G
July B B B G G B B G G B B B G G G G G G G G B G B B G B G B
August B B B G B G G B B B B B G G G B G B G B G B G B B G B G
September B B B G G B G B G B B B G G G G G G B G B G B G B B G B
October B B G G G B G B G B B G G G G G G G B B G B G B G B B G
November B G B G G B G B G G G G B G G G B B B G B G B G B B G B
December B G B G G G G B G B G G B B B B B B B B G G G B G B G B

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Fathers Day

I thought these were pretty cute, so I had to share.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


We went to the doctor today!! Everything is going great. I have gained 5 pounds the first trimester. :( What a bummer. Oh well in the end it will be well worth it!! We got to hear the heartbeat for the first time. It was awesome!! I got a little teary eyed. There is really a little girl or boy in there!! Well we have another check up in four weeks and two weeks after that we get to find out what we are having. Cant wait!! We will keep you all posted.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

To the love of my life!!

Just another way to show you how you make my life complete... You complete my heart!! You and me will always stick together! Here is a little picture of me and you so in love. I am the cow cause I eat everything you are the little piggy cause you fart a lot, hehehehe!

I love you so much

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Exciting NEWS!!!!

Our first Ob appointment!! Yes we are expecting a new little addition to our family!! I am hoping for a little girl, but JC is all for another little man.

We are due January 11, 2010!

Jc in Nashville

Not only is Jc an amazing husband and daddy, but he is just as great at his job as well. He was rewarded for being one of the top 10 % performers for the University of Phoenix and got to go to Nashville!!!

Cole & Ashlee's Wedding Reception

Kyson hanging out with his daddy and Papa at Cole and Ashlee's wedding reception. We had a lot of fun!!

Hangin with the fam!

And they lived happily ever after

Man OH man I just love this man to death!

We are one dang cute couple! Cutest ever if you ask me;)

Easter Egg Hunt!!

Time to hunt for those Easter eggs!! Kyson is so smart and so cute!! He knew right where to find them eggs. We can't believe how much our little man has grown.

Its Catch up time!!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Fishing again, Yea!!

Isn't he just so stinkin cute!! I love this picture of him. It is one of my favorite.

So can you all guess what we were doing... Yes!! Fishing again. I am so addicted, we love it.
Our brother Jordan was with us and took these pictures . He just bought a new high Tech camera and is getting into photography.